Oxenhope Airfield Weather Station | |
Wind Strength (av) | 24 mph |
Wind Gusts (hg) | 34 mph |
Wind Direction (av) | 274º |
Wind Compass (ac) | W |
Pressure (ac) | 964mb |
Outside Temperature (ac) | 5ºC |
Today's Lowest Temperature | 5ºC |
Dewpoint (ac) | 4ºC |
Relative Humidity (ac) | 94% |
Rain Today | 9.6mm |
Sunshine Hours Today | 0.0 |
Weather Uploaded | 21/12/24 - 16:49:15 |
Cloud Base (AMSL) | 368 ft |
High Gust (24hrs) | 59.0mph at (09:30) |
Runway 29 | Xwind: 16º from the left (7 mph) |
Runway 24 | Xwind: 34º from the right (14 mph) |