Oxenhope Airfield Weather Station
Wind Strength (av)2 mph
Wind Gusts (hg)3 mph
Wind Direction (av)320º
Wind Compass (ac)WNW
Pressure (ac)966mb
Outside Temperature (ac)3ºC
Today's Lowest Temperature-1ºC
Dewpoint (ac)3ºC
Relative Humidity (ac)100%
Rain Today0.0mm
Sunshine Hours Today0.0
Weather Uploaded22/01/25 - 12:48:15
Cloud Base (AMSL)0 ft
High Gust (24hrs)14.0mph at (00:07)
Runway 29Xwind: 30º from the right (1 mph)
Runway 24Xwind: 80º from the right (2 mph)